Discard by Kirk Kunihiro and Huy Tran
Bombay Beach Biennale 2019
Discard was built as a site-specific temporary installation and functioning
waste collection point (the flagship of a number of waste collection points positioned throughout the Biennale).
Bombay Beach Biennale 2019
Discard was built as a site-specific temporary installation and functioning
waste collection point (the flagship of a number of waste collection points positioned throughout the Biennale).
Waste Collection Station. Taka Tuka Island 2018. Novákpuszta, Hungary.
Waste stations were built from natural materials found on the island, prepared with a chainsaw and machete, and assembled with an impact driver and screws.
The Department of Public Works, Transfer Station Authority Transfer Station. Black Rock City, Nevada. 2024. Was a Transfer Station supervisor this year.
A little drunken throwie on the commissary wall along 5:30.
My rendition of the classic Ford logo was kept from a previous year’s gallery submission and put up behind the DPW Ghetto Bar bar. Truly an honor.
The Baler. The monster must be fed.
Met and had a solid conversation with countercultural icon Lloyd Khan, the Shelter editor of the Whole Earth Catalog. It was his first Burning Man. Lloyd is known for popularizing the geodesic dome, among other substantial accomplishments in the movement. Babies and Gentlemen on the right, a good friend of mine who works full time for the Burning Man Project as a sustainability coordinator.
One day, while out doing collections in the city, the ignition got stuck and the key would not turn. Auto Shop “fixed” her up by hacking away the original ignition and installing a latch, which sort of lined up with the new hand-written gear position indicators, in yellow. Pulling/pushing the latch is how we started/stopped the engine.
Discard at Joshua Tree Music Festival, 2019. Did waste management with the Trash Pirates. This was the year Penelope Green, a writer with the New York Times, came to visit to write a story on the Trash Pirates. I was connected to Penelope through a collaborator with the Bombay Beach Biennale.
Form at Arcosanti. 2024.
You need to chill. Machines acting up at Form.
Waste management for Form Arcosanti. 2024.